quality time

Seriously Whole Foods? Fruit cakes? RIGHT when I walk in the store?!

The box even says, ” the fruit cake just got cool again.” NO IT HAS NOT.  If it had then the people in Colorado wouldn’t still be throwing them as a sport.

hahah too funny. My friend with me tonight wants me to try it.  She thinks it looks delicious–until I told her that the delicious fruity cake was prob 3 months old….

Well it was a nice happy hour in Whole Foods without any fruit cakes.  I enjoyed the time to celebrate a friend’s achievement at work and laugh a lot.  I have great friends and I dont see them enough 🙂

Now I’m going to sit back and relax with my mom in front of some Parenthood episodes (purchase of Black Friday).  It’s been a while since I haven’t worked a night shift and quality mother-daughter bonding is necessary.

Tomorrow is THursday so sleep well knowing that the week is more than half-way finished when you awake 🙂

“A Beautiful Fantasy”


Colors were bright, wings were big, musical performances were loud and it was so sparkly!!! Loved it 🙂

My favorite parts/things/outfits:

1. Miranda Kerr and Orlando Bloom–need I say more?  How cute was he whenever she came down the runway?!  And how amazing did she look in her first show since having her baby! YGG (you go girl).

2. The “Superhero” look during the Kanye West “stronger” performance was my favorite.  Can I put those capes on my list??









3. Jay-Z. Enough said.

I really enjoyed watching the show.  I think the way they go into behind the scenes moments and creative development is a good idea. It is not all about being beautiful and skinny (although there were some girls who need to eat a burger!).  There is a HUGE creative /artistic side to fashion (and this show) that I enjoy hearing about.  Especially for the “Spell on You” segment of the show.

Did you watch? Are you anti or pro VS fashion show?  I think I can understand both arguments but if you think of the creativity that went into those costumes–the costumes each year–it really is a cool endeavor! Who thought bra and underwear could be so intricate and fun?


Admit it.

You woke up this morning to make sure it was TiVoed.

You have been counting down the days since last year.

And now the waiting is up.  You’re at work just itching to get out, eat dinner and get in front of the TV because tonight is the night.


I’m so excited for the amazingness that is this fashion show!  We never know exactly who will wear what or how large the Angel wings will be, but we do know that it will be creative and fun.

It’s also a given that:

1. I will go on a diet after watching the show. Just kidding but it will be major inspiration for a workout!

2. Maroon 5 will perform but more importantly Jay-Z will also be there and I love him!

3. Miranda Kerr will wear a $2,500,000 bra!!!!!!!!

4. My Christmas list will be a lot longer 😉

So don’t hide your excitement boys and girls.  Ill post some favorites after the show tonight 🙂

Have you ever received a fruit cake?  Literally I never have.  I don’t understand why they are even still a part of this world.  When directions for making one say, “fruitcake should be made well in advance of the time that they will be used. One month of storage is a necessity. Two, three, or even four months is not too long a time if the storage facilities are cool and dry,” I am a little turned off by the lack of freshness.

But they still sneak up into conversation (hopefully not into any mouths) during this time of the year.

So why all this talk about an uneatable tradition?  Well, I just watched Unwrapped (love this show!) on the Food Network and found out about a very funny use for these wintery cakes.  I guess since nobody eats them using them this way is as logical as any. But really..why are they even still being made?  And why in Colorado?!

I guess what I’m trying to say is next time you get a fruit cake, launch it out the front door.

one is silver and the other gold

Being our normal selves

So last night was my 5 year high school reunion.  It was actually a great time and I enjoyed getting to see everyone in one large setting.  It was interesting how people knew a little bit about most everyone’s recent happenings because of our friend Facebook.  I can only imagine that reunions like mine are so much better attended nowadays because of social media’s networking benefits. What a world we live in.

Before I headed to the actual reunion my close friends and I had a nice dinner.  Since high school, life has taken all of us to different schools, travels, jobs and cities.  Although the email threads continue between us it had been a long time since we were all together in one place.  That’s what I love about Thanksgiving–everyone together again.

I also love when all the madness ends too and I am able to put my feet up with some tea and my laptop.  Between sisters returning for a long weekend (I was getting used to a bathroom all to myself) and extended family coming for Thanksgiving dinner I feel like a tornado has ripped through the house.  It will be nice to clean up a bit and regain a little schedule this week.  Of course my schedule these days is always a little unset.

Hope everyone enjoyed a great weekend with family and old friends.  I sure did!!

Glitter Glitter

I apologize in advance for the brevity of this post but I’ve been working like a horse between Thanksgiving and HS reunions.  SO I leave you with my tumblr post from a few days back.  I am very into a glittery statement outfit for the holidays and found some pictures to express that.  Then today before running out the door to work I got my daily dose of Rachel Zoe and was happy she is on the same page with me for my Christmas/New Years outfit.

Off to see some long-lost friends at my 5 year High School reunion tonight. Talk tomorrow 🙂

ps- Hi Chelsea Webb

Midnight at Target…not as bad as I had thought

So after a few beers and a lot of turkey I headed out with a few friends to Target (we had a DD no worries).  I was nervous for the mobs that awaited me but in all honesty we were in and out in an hour with great deals in hand and no fights seen or had 🙂

Live on Black Friday, live on!


Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving love to all my cyber buddies!

Turkey Tom always making an appearance

Just finished my second piece of pie 🙂

This year I made an apple blueberry pie.  Usually my specialty is the apple pie but I decided to step it up a notch.  And what a delicious treat it was!  I got the recipe from Southern Living and it had a cheddar pie crust. It was the first time I made my crust.  So proud of myself because although I am the apple pie maker for this holiday, baking is not my thing.

So how did this become my job?  Good question. Basically I was suckered into it as the apprentice to my cousin Jackie.  And when she is not around….I am on my own.  And I must say I have done a good job….the pie is already gone 🙂

My pie

Southern Living's pie. I did pretty well huh?!

I hope everyone enjoyed a very delicious fun-filled day.  I must get back to the family, beer and football in the other room!  I leave you with this post (especially for my French friends).  Last year in France I had a hard time explaining everything about this holiday and I think that Garance does a great job of pulling it all together.

The Thanksgiving marathon event is here

And it is upon us! Thanksgiving madness; pre, post and day of.  It all begins today as the grocery stores are a zoo with people picking up spices, eggs, green beans, apples, pumpkin filling… Oh yeah, and the turkey.  That was my job this morning; pick up the 26lb turkey at Whole Foods market.  We ordered it ahead of time so when I walked in I told the people my name and voilà, turkey!  The craziness of today doesn’t stop there because tonight is the biggest bar night of the year.  Being a waitress at a very popular bar in town, I am working tonight so will be seeing all my friends from childhood that way.  I expect the bar to be packed and the tables to be vacant, making for a frustrating night of work but we will see how it all pans out.

Then tomorrow is THE DAY.  Family arrives at our house in the early afternoon to eat and drink until The Bird is cooked.  I hope the sun shines bright tomorrow because this rain is killing me.

And lastly the post Thanksgiving day panic, otherwise known as Black Friday.  My family has never been huge Black Friday participators.  I can honestly say that I have NEVER shopped at 4am unless it was on the internet in my sweats.  But this year I might join the mobs because I am in the market for a  new laptop.  Being that saving money is the name of the game these days I wouldn’t mind finding a Mac that is $100 off.  But I’m nervous.   Any tips for a first timer? I may just stick to the online sales instead of venturing out into the very unknown…

Anyway I found this video and was just blown away by the dedication to Black Friday shopping. (Black Friday Enthusiasts)  I couldn’t help thinking how this would NEVER happen in France.  Camping out to go to a sale? I don’t think that is very French at all.  Americans take just about everything to the next level and after a year in France I find myself blown away more than ever by the crazy things we do.

Are you ready to see old High School and childhood friends tonight?  Are all the groceries  ready to go for tomorrow?  Is Black Friday on your list of “to do’s”?

Be safe tonight!

Why am I not in Hawaii?

I’m bumming and I have the weather to blame.

I was greeted back into Pennsylvania by cold wind, dark skies and rainy weather.  Ugh!  I really am not sure why I havent moved to somewhere with eternal sunshine yet.  Every year as winter rolls around (whether in Virginia, France or Philly) I get grouchy and sad.

So today was a major grouchy, cold to my bones day.  I tried to do some therapeutic things like shopping (hard when trying to save), making tea, skyping friends across the ocean 🙂 and as usual blog stalking.  Today my browsing ended at a favorite that made me even more seasonally depressed–or maybe seasonally jealous. Jealous of Paris’ amazing weather recently.  My friend in Lyon (who I skyped today) was also telling me how nice it has been to be on her terrace in the sunshine recently.  Now I’m wishing I was there, at least through tomorrow when the rain is said to stay with us.  Then I’ll return for some Thanksgiving dinner….  Good plan, right?

I guess the next best thing to complaining about this weather is to curl on up with a good book, red wine and comfy socks!