
coucou tout le monde!

I am just sitting here at Café Quentin in Dijon on a brisk Saturday morning.

This is my favorite place to come get a coffee with friends, or alone. The servers are super nice, the prices are very reasonable and the music is right up my alley.  The interior design is also pretty neat. Almost like youre in Urban Outfitters but youre in a café…

AND THEY HAVE WIFI! So if youre ever in Dijon, take a tour around the city center, stop at the Halles Marché to get something fresh to eat and bring it to Café Quentin to grab a nice glass of wine or a coffee.  It’s heaven!

a month pause

Sorry for the absence (again) from my postings.  As my mom says, you’re “definitely getting French : )  You no longer experience life as unusual.”  This is somewhat true:  My life is pretty consistent and “normal” these days. This is a cool thing, to think my life is “normal” while living in a foreign country…must mean something. But even so, I try to keep exploring and continue to look at things through the eyes of a tourist.  Things are more exciting that way!

One simple way to do this is to just take a day trip to another town.  Even another little village nearby sometimes meets the need too.  For example a few weeks ago I stopped at an old church I pass every day on the way to Dijon.  Something simple but it was fulfilling.  A little more of an effort; taking a day trip to another town.  I visited Annecy with the family last week.  It’s a beautiful town right on a lake surrounded by mountains.  Unfortunately we have been experiencing more clouds than sunshine so the paysage was less than magical but it’s still nice to get away and see some new places!  I have also enjoyed some unique fun in our backyard because its fruit picking season.  I am pretty sure I have only ever gone apple picking in the US so I was excited to pick some cherries with Célénie this past weekend.  The best part being its right in our backyard 🙂

So although the posts have been few and far between I am keeping busy trying to explore every inch of this country.