je rêve

So I’m less than a month away from an expired VISA.  Time has flown since my arrival in France and I am not quite sure if I’m ready to leave.  When I first came over here all my friends told me I would never come back to The States, so maybe the idea was placed in my head that way?  Anyhow, I am now at the moment of return and I would love to stay longer.   I have met some amazing people and been able to have some fun experiences so it’s no wonder I have a desire to stay put.  If I had it my way I would move up to Paris and pound the pavement til I found my job at a magazine.  I didn’t live near the capital this past year but every time I went up there to visit I felt like I belonged there.   A strange feeling to place on a foreign city but I could see myself living there.

Unfortunately getting a working VISA and job as a foreigner is not cake!  Red tape and France go together like PB&J (which I must say I am excited to eat when I return home).  So the dream will be pushed back for the time being.  Everything has it’s time right?  I first need to return home and get my feet in a corporate door as I begin my second year post college graduation!  That is also hard to believe.

Do you have any place where you dream of living?